I don’t write for everyone…

I don’t write for the freebie hunters going from website to website looking for the Holy Grail.

I don’t write for the people who just want to stick their feet in the water and pretend they are doing something. (Saying you joined LinkedIn Premium is not doing something by the way!)

What about those of you who’ve been pretending that you want the perfect career but haven’t done anything about it? How long have you been thinking about it? Months, years… and yet all you’ve done so far is THINK about it, when are you ACTUALLY going to do something?

I don’t write for you either; you know the type – those who claim to already know everything because they have read about it somewhere? Like the dieters who have read every diet book on the market but still haven’t lost any weight….

I’m not writing for the excuse-makers…age, lack of experience, lack of time etc. are not reasons to not get hired. Things happen, life happens and it can at times be crap – I know more than most about life not playing fair having recently lost both of my parents. No more excuses, if I can still get motivated, so can you.

I don’t write for the ‘DIYers’ either. You may well be able to learn via trial and error but whilst you’re making mistakes and trying to learn from them, the great opportunities will be passing you by.

What was the salary you wanted again? Wow, that salary and you want to play this game by trial and error? Be my guest!

I don’t apologise either for this rant, I just don’t ‘do’ time wasters.

My final exasperation is the “I can’t justify the expense” people. Sorry, come off it, you can’t justify it because you never made your career your priority in the first place. If your career was at the top of your list to get sorted, you would have budgeted for some expert help with it or at least understand that you need to invest in it to get something back. I have no doubt that you could justify the expense for your holiday.

Holidays are important but should we really be spending more time researching, planning and budgeting for our annual 2 week holiday than something we are going to be doing nearly every day for the rest of our lives?

It is just plain stupid!!!

Did you hear what I’ve just said?  I’m right and you know it! FACT!
So please, when you mention the cost – ask yourself, what is the cost of NOT doing it?


So, who DO I write for?

  • The doers.
  • The action takers.
  • The ones who are now ready to say, ok – I’ve been doing some pretending but actually I AM now ready to go ALL in.

I’m interested in the people that are ready to take a risk and get themselves noticed. Those people that are ready to commit some time, energy and money into making things happen.

These are the people that won’t fail as they work out what they want and then go for it. Unfortunately, there are not many of these types of people around – they are pretty few and far between but these are the successful ones.

There are plenty of pretenders, thinkers, freebie hunters, excuse makers, ‘DIYers’, two week vacationers out there but very few motivated and extraordinary people out there.

Which one are you?

Just make a decision, are you in or NOT?

Stop being in limbo land.

Once you have made a commitment that you’re going to do this, the first step is talking to me.

This is not a CV re-write service; this is a whole JOB SEARCH strategy! There is a huge difference and you only need to invest once to have skills that will stay with you for life.

So “Stop being a Voyeur” as Kat Loterzo would say and as Nike would say “Just do it!”

So the first step as they say is recognising the problem, the next is doing something about it. Now I’ve added a little extra bonus, it’s called the Complimentary Breakthrough session to getting YOU hired!

Determine the #1 thing stopping you from having the JOB you want:

  • Are you serious about finding ‘THE’ job?
  • Are you ready to level up your game and understand how businesses, hiring managers and recruiters currently perceive you?
  • Are you struggling to understand why you’re not being hired for the jobs you want?
  • Or are you being proactive and getting the support you need now, not later!
  • Then this is the consultation is for you…available to you anywhere in the world.  Click here for details >>>

As always, Get Noticed, Get Hired!
